Eph. 2:19-22
These last 2 weeks I've been reading through Ephesians and as I go back and connect all the things Father has been teaching me something struck me - Forgive me as I take some time to just share a bit of the last 4 years.
These last 4 years have been such a time of growing for me. I have come a full circle in grasping and getting a better understanding of what the Lord means in Hebrews 11: 13-16 and now Ephesians 2: 19-22.
I've lived in several countries now and have had the awesome opportunities to see so many come to faith and literally grow up in the Lord. I've seen them realize that they are no longer really apart of their own culture. I've sat and cried with sisters who are in conflict over not feeling apart of anything - feeling the pains of being exiled or strangers in their own land. I too have experienced this as we have returned to our "home country" and no longer feeling connected or apart of the culture I once felt so connected to.
Today as I was thinking about WHY it is that some feel this alienation and separation while others continue to feel so connected and apart of their culture..... it dawned on me that maybe that is where Hebrews 11 passage comes into play.
It is one thing to say you are a christian it is another when you live a life that is CHRIST LIKE! Just striving to live a life of Holiness will set you apart and cause you to feel the pangs of "Alienation and feeling a foreigner" in your own culture, among those you love and those you work with.
Reading Ephesians these past 2 weeks brought back to my mind the importance of making a choice daily to die to myself and to live for Christ!
God has created us with Purpose, Hope and inheritance.
We are no longer strangers or aliens but we are FELLOW CITIZENS with the Saints and are apart of God's House hold- fellow heirs with Christ.
Not only corporately but also individually. Meaning that as the Body of Christ we corporately have purpose but then we also individually have purpose.
So then what TODAY am I , are you, doing to add to the community life and the strengthening of our households?
It is so important that we all realize that Romans 12: 1-2 - we are not to be conformed to this world but Transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus....
What today are you doing about that TRANSFORMATION? Are you being CONFORMED or TRANSFORMED? they are intertwined in some ways because we must come from a conformed mindset in order to move to a transformed mind! Moving from darkness to light!
I feel as though I'm breaking free from my cocoon and that I'm emerging in a world that is not my own but that's not a problem for me any more! For I know where I belong and I long for the day of our REUNION!
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