I am back and hopefully will be on line more often now. I sure have missed blogging and posting what's been happening in my life. This weekend I spend some much needed time in the word and in prayer. I time of reconnecting after about 2 weeks almost 3 of not having much at all in the way of real study time and prayer time. It is as if I have stood in a refreshing pool and things seem just a bit more clearer. Lots of hurdles yet to overcome but I know that we have a plan and it's being directed and reaffirmed by the Lord. So we walk forward trusting that it is going to work out... these have been some real growing years!
I found this picture of sheep that we took on one of our little stops while touring Turkey. It was as random as it gets. All of a sudden this little old man walks up and jingles a bell and there out of the woods come this herd of sheep. It really was picture perfect.
I was just reminded last night that we are all sheep and I'm so thankful that my shepherd doesn't leave one behind but will leave the 99 to retrieve the one that has been lost. These past few weeks while I've seen and felt the Lord at work I've surely not felt that I've been connected with the herd. I'm going to church today with such joy! How I miss fellowship with other believers. It's been a hectic 3 weeks and I'm in great need of being filled with teaching from the word and some encouraging from other believers!
Hope you are apart of the family of Christ and that you realize that you are not alone.
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