Monday, March 12, 2007


I had to write about this because man it was a wake up call to what Bitterness can do in the life of believers.

Here's the meaning from the Webster dictionary: Having a sharp pungent smell or taste, not sweet; harsh, unpleasant, sullen, antipathy, antagonism, loathing, harshness-

Ever had any one of these feelings? I sure have. I didn't realize it at the time but I was full of bitterness. In my own situation it wasn't until I was willing to get honest with myself and realize that my bitterness towards someone else was really a reflection of what was really going on in my own heart. In James 1: 22-24 it talks about those of us ( most of us) who hear the Truth of God's word and yet we don't become doers of what we hear. James says we are " like a man who looks at his natural face in the mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."

We dare not look long enough to see our own reflection and our own issues. But oh how easy it is to stare at another's life and pick them to pieces.

I do believe hurt is real. I believe that pain is real, too. Bitterness, however, is the result of simmering and stewing over the events that caused us hurt and pain. It is not accepting the situation and the issue but refuting it - Most of the time, at least in my own life, it is a direct result of not wanting to "own" any of the responsibility. It may also be that you/we are not willing to accept the wrong done to us or to accept that you or I may have had a part in the situation or problem. This is what James is talking about, when we are like the natural man who looks and sees himself for what he is and then walks away and forgetting what he saw - it doesn't cause change rather it is denial. This is when Bitterness begins to grow and take root in our lives.

We have all heard the saying "There are always two sides to every story". Well, I believe there are two sides to every hurt and pain. On the one side we may be the recipient on the other side we may have done either intentionally or unintentionally something to bring about the situation. How then do we work through the mess and bring clarity to the situation and hopefully restoration.

It requires us all to be willing to look at ourselves first and begin the painful duty of dealing with what we had to do with the situation. Matt. 18:15 sets a standard for us as believers how to deal with a wrong that is done or when sin is evident in the life of another brother. Going to them immediately- don't delay it only allows the enemy a strong hold and gives way to speculation and presumption.

Then it requires us to be reconciled one with another. Matt. 5: 23-24 "first be reconciled to your brother"
* How can we bring our sacrifice of praise, or our offering to the Lord if we are at odds with our brother*
This isn't always easy- but the first step is admitting a wrong and seeking forgiveness. Then you can be reconciled one with another.

The final word from Col. 3: 12-13 says: " Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you."

Forgiveness rids us of all bitterness. It is not just speaking the words of Forgiveness and then continuing to HATE or SHUN someone but when they come with a sincere heart of repentance and reconciliation it is our role as believers to do just as CHRIST has done for us.... Receive them back. Restore them....( It doesn't mean you give them full access to your heart again, or trust them implicitly but it does mean you begin to rebuild and establish unity- with God's love and His character implanted in us.. full restoration can happen!)

Why am I writing this you ask? Well, I have encountered all out bitterness like I've never seen before. I guess for me it was a wake up call to remember that I must work hard as a believer to not allow this poison to take root in my own life.

Seeing these individuals who are just full of bitterness made me all the more serious about being real first with GOD and then myself and then to those around me. Sometimes it means we get hurt but if we walk in the spirit we are promised that we will grow through even the difficult friendships.

2 Cor. 2:15-16 says " For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?

My challenge today is to work hard at living life being Clothed with Christ's : compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and peace ( Col. 3:12) and then to seek in all situations the wisdom that comes from above: ( James 3:17) "Wisdom from heaven is first pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy."

This week I've really been thinking on Col 3:12 and James 3:17 and it is so cool how the Lord knits Life into learning examples for me to grow and mature through......

I've just been all the more challenged this week as I've seen and heard of these individuals being so full of bitterness that I can't help but just pray, Lord help me not to allow the root of bitterness in my life.

I hope if you are dealing with bitterness that you will root it out and look for restoration if it is at all possible for you to do so.

May we be a sweet aroma.....


1 comment:

Lori said...

Mel this is beautiful and I agree with all that you have said, my thought reading this though is that for some people the journey to forgiveness is longer for some than others. Depends on the wrong committed. Does there still need to be forgiveness, no matter what. Absolutely, that is the only way to move forward. And if we don't move forward that is when bitterness sets in, and we are controlled by the situation, instead controlling the situation ourselves.

Such good words to chew on today.
