Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I know it's about time I had something fun on my blog! :) Thanks Stacey for tagging me. What fun!

Here are the RULES~

* Link the person who tagged you
* Post the rules on your Blog
* Share 7 random/ weird things about you on your blog
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your blog
* Let each one of the people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Oh Yeah ~ I love absolutely LOVE me some Random!

1. I have lived in 5 different countries : China, Thailand, Hong Kong, USA, Malaysia
2. I love change and feel the urge to do some kind of MAJOR change oh about every 2 years.
3. Am an artist at the core of my being
4. Can not grow long nails so I have resorted to fake ones
5. I laugh very loudly -
6. Was once accused of having a glass eye~ ! I about dropped to the floor! * I HAD a Lazy eye* Yes I got it fixed immediately and wha la! No fake eye.
7. I shake when I feel stressed- the bouncing leg.......

Okay- those are my random and some are just down right weird! ;)

Now I'm coming after:

  • Kim

  • Terri

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