Monday, November 12, 2007

It's Sunday

I am sitting and reflecting on the week and thinking about all that is happening in the world around me. One thing remains firm- God and His Love for all Peoples. My friends whom I mentioned in an earlier post are doing okay. They are preparing to leave and head out of their host country. God isn't thwarted though and His work will be accomplished. The enemy just doesn't know it!

While it seems to them and many of us that the work will be slowed, what we fail to release is sometimes we do have to be moved out of the way so that the gospel can be propelled farther.

I trust that God is at work but I ask that you please continue to pray for our Brother's and Sisters around the world who are reaching out to the Lostness around them...

Pray that the Nations would be reached and that all peoples would Glorify the one and Only King of kings
Lord of Lords

Jesus Christ!

here's to His Glory and His Honor!

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