This has been a good book to read. It's one of those books you read and you realize that you may have grown a lot in how you lead but then read a book like this and say, I still have A LOT more to learn.
I thought I would just share some things that his book has made me think about in my own leadership as well as just some great words of understanding for us all.
One of the things this author spends quite a bit of time on is how people deal with conflict or trouble. He says that a leader can respond to any number of issues- these are the most common issues leaders deal with, sometimes a leader can deal with more than one of these at any given time.
1. Crisis- The author says : " Leadership is about whether we will grow in maturity in the extremity of crisis." pg. 29
"Crisis serve to remind us that we are fundamentally not in control." Pg 29
Boy is that the truth!
2. Complexity - this is the only one I thought might need some clarity. This is when any situation has the potential to turn horrible real quick. Most decisions made by a leader has complex circumstances that lay just beneath the surface.
3. Betrayal - comes in many different ways. The author makes the statement that he was once betrayed by those who would get him to open up his heart and then used his very words against him and took them totally out of context. BOY do I know how that feels. Try having a friend who you think is someone who is trustworthy become the very person who listened to you share your thoughts and struggles and then use them against you.
"Betrayal always brings with it some distortion of the truth." pg. 32
"Betrayal marks the past and mars the future". pg. 32
4. Loneliness - This quote says it all ;"Leadership loneliness is far more than the state of being alone. the fact that we are set apart for a task and a calling is what deprives us of the normal fare of family and friendship." pg. 33
5. Weariness- "Weariness is really about this core struggle to hope despite the circumstances and our limitations, and not so much about stress and being tired. Will we continue to pray, dream, and fight for people when the battle looks pointless? "
pg. 35
Okay- for those of you who read my earlier post - this is where I am, weariness!
With that in mind we all have a choice as to how we respond. For most of us we have an immediate response which is often times our "fleshly" response.
In the book the author says: Ineffective responses include:
*Cowardice - let's just run from the issue. Go in a room and shut the door. Eventually the problem will go away.
* Hiding
Effective responses:
In this book he writes and says that those who stay in leadership often deal with bouts of : Flight, Doubt, Surrender, Return....
I wish I could share every bit of what I've learned from these first 3 chapters. I'm still digesting so much of it.
I know for Dwayne my husband, he never desired nor sought out the leadership he's in at this moment. It has been so hard and there have been times I can say we have reached all the above areas that Allender speaks about: flight,doubt,surrender and return. Usually the return is like a reluctant child who isn't so sure it's a good thing!
I am encouraged though and realize that alot of what we are going through is actually normal.
I'll share more as the Lord speaks to me through this book! ;)
We are lookng forward to the years ahead as we serve our Lord. Where ever, however and to whom ever.
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