Wednesday, May 30, 2007

returned home

Returning home is something we all dream of if we have been away for a while. Like when you leave for college or when you get married and you come home for the holidays.... it's just a sweet time. This trip was a wonderful opportunity for me to take some amazing women to the place I called home for over 7 years. It was not always my physical home but it was where my heart felt at home. We lived there off and on for just over 3 years but worked there for over 7 years.

These past couple of weeks were not just amazing because I was able to go home to a place that I love but it was because I got to see the people that I love as well. Another reason these past couple of weeks were great is because of the young women who joined me on this trip. I so enjoyed getting to know them and to hear their own stories and how the Lord is working in their lives. It was great to see them touched by the lostness of the cities we went to and to see them touched by the vastness of the work and the lack of the workers. We had some amazing encounters and so many opportunities to share our Hope in Christ! I so miss getting to share and see the Holy Spirit do a work in the hearts of people. We didn't see anyone come to faith but we planted many, many seeds. We got to hear from brothers and sisters - pray with them and enjoy each others fellowship.

More on this later but I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers and for your thoughts! :)

I have so many stories to share!

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